This poster is designed by our group. The rationale of designing this poster is to promote the brand new burger for Burger King.
For the slogan, we choose " Black Burger New Era" . It is able to tell the audience that there is a new trend of eating burger with the color of black.
Moreover, it clearly shows the appearance and part of the ingredients of the burger


A famous chocolate brand, Caribu Bitter launched an advertisement by showing a child who does the evil things which
raise lots of controversy. The message of the advertisement can be carried out easily but the expression way is improper. 
It is obvious to see the key message as “The Dark Side of Sweetness”. A girl is playing house and pouring poisonous
liquid into a toy cup. It implies that although the girl looks cute and naïve, she still can act impolitely and her behavior is similar to a witch.  Meanwhile, there is a younger girl sits at the back and looks at her. It seems that the younger girl will learn this bad behavior.
This advertisement ruins children’s image as native, kind-hearted. The girl’s naïve, cute face and the poisonous liquid
create a distinct contrast. Children suppose should be taught to behave properly.
Children are the target audience of this advertisement, however, it sets a bad example to the audience. Children are
curious and able to learn things quickly, they may follow improper behavior from the advertisement.  Mass media
always has great power to influence people’s mind. Children are not mature enough to judge the meaning of the message but have higher interests in reading images. The image of the advertisement will be easily to draw their attention,
if they read the image without seeing the text as “The Dark Side of Sweetness”, they may misunderstand the whole message of the advertisement. 


Source: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2011/10/pictures/111027-best-nature-pictures-2011-environment-animals-science/
Have you ever imagine how do you feel if you stay in a landfill? A photo took by Hong Kong photographer tells the story about a couple of young brothers who live in Nepal. 
In the photo, two children comfort each other in a landfill. They search for useable things from the garbage in order to sell for food. The boy sits in the left seems like protecting his young brother. From their eye, it seems they are helpless. 
The background is dark with smoke, it looks like a dead city which without energy and hopes. Therefore, people are hard to survive in such a harsh condition. 
The photographer would like to convey a message that there are many people who live in the developing countries have serious poverty problem. 
In fact, Nepal is a less-developed country. It is rare for local children to receive education. Most children live under poverty line and have the problem of malnutrition. 
This photo touches me a lot that as we live in Hong Kong which is an affluent city, we should treasure that things that we own and help the people in need. 


Source: http://lifestyle.etnet.com.hk/column/index.php/features/news/18774
A student who come from Tin Shui Wai gets seven 5**grade and has a great success in DSE (Diploma of Secondary
Education).  This photo is taken when he was having interviews with the media. 
 The student holds DSE’s result certificate and sits in front of the public housing estate of Tin Shui Wai. Meanwhile, he
puts up his hand to show his achievements. The tall buildings at the back of the photo seem like creating invisible walls to block people’s road to success.  In this photo, the student sits near the top of buildings. It implies that he can break through this barrier and find a bright future. 
It seems that no matter where do you come from, you still can get good grade once you are hard working. This student’s successful story not only gives hopes to many students who come from the lower
income family but also break through the general views towards Tin Shui Wai as a city that full of sadness.

Source: http://www.scmp.com/photos/recent/76670/1272765 31 July 2013
When hearing Hong Kong can be one of the destinations of Manchester United
Asia Tour 2013, a majority of Hong Kong citizens were proud of this. However,
the poor conditions of Hong Kong Stadium’s turf pitch not only ruined people’s
expectations but also Hong Kong’s image as a cosmopolitan. Political cartoonist
Harry Harrison chose this controversial issue and posted the related cartoon in
SCMP on 31 July 2013.

In the cartoon, few elements can show the side-effect
of the issue. A man holds Alphorn which is a traditional Switzerland’s musical
instrument, to tell other people that Hong Kong’s bad quality of sporting
facilities. Alphorn’s sound is able to spread into a large area (estimated more
than 10 km), it seems that this issue will widespread to the other places and
become a piece of international news.

On the other hand, grassland
represents the football pitch. The two Chinese is collecting mud and grass like
the workers carried out the immediate maintenance and repair work after the
scandal. It shows that local people focus more on the post work rather than well
preparation work.

Therefore, from the viewpoint of Harry, this issue will
cause a negative image to Hong Kong. Actually this issue can become the jokes of
the world. Hong Kong government should grasp the opportunities like such kind of
sports event to further enhance Hong Kong’s international image and status.

Monologue Soure: http://www.exercisesinstyle.com/exercises/

Monologue can show the character’s encounter and feeling clearly. This comic tells the whole story about how the character was distracted in a direct way through his reviewing. In this comic, we can know more details about the story. For example,the girl who asked for time and distracted him, is called Jessica. From the
character’s facial expression, his eyebrow keeps downwards, it seems he looks a
bit confused about this experience. 
On the other hand, a sense of involvement can be associated through using monologue as the main expressive way. The character sits in front of a table, which faces the reader, seems like talking or grumbling to friends or colleagues who sit opposite him. In this condition, readers can act as his friend and listen to his word. 
Moreover, rooms of imaginations can be found in this comic. When seeing the background setting, the blank background helps us to focus on the character easily. As the man is holding a cup of drinks, it seems that he sits in the dining room and enjoys his tea break leisurely by talking to other colleagues. However, if
adding some fancy decorations into the blank background, we can imagine he is in
a club and have leisure time with friends after work and have sharing to them.