CITI Bank Brain Washing Advertising
6 years ago, CITI Bank published a series of Youtube advertising call “CITI Never Sleep” “Father and Son” “You…Powered by CITI” “Let’s get it done”.  And etc., about 30 Youtube advertising , which is intended to brain wash the
consumer that CITI is reputable banker with huge capital, really to aim for assist their customer to achieve studies, help to build a new business, or even fulfill their dreams. The Youtubes’ scenery is touching, the actor is appropriate and first class, the background sound is soft and lyric is sensation, and finally the narrative voice is attractive. The above YouTube put on broadcasted is one of the series call “Let’s get it done “for the countries of USA, Singapore and India.

Citigroup was formed from one of the world's largest mergers in history by combining the banking giant Citicorp and financial conglomerate Travelers Group in October 1998. It is currently the 3rd largest bank holding company in the United States. See what happened for the big 5 bankers. 
On 2008 global financial crisis, Citigroup suffered tremendous losses and was later rescued by the U.S. government to prevent the bankruptcy of the largest bank in the world at that time. Why comes to such tragedy situation, who is going to blame, please see the followings. A former CITI senior staff Sherry Hunt sued CITI to court for fraud and was won (verdict of May 2013) During the trail she told the court that “On 2006 (almost day of CITI launched their Youtubes on air) the bank was buying mortgages from outside lenders with doctored tax forms, phony appraisals and missing signatures. Hunt said it was her job to identify these defects and she did and had made a regular report to her bosses, but executives buried her findings”. There are regulations that US government requires lenders to certify that insured loans meet FHA (Federal Housing Administration) standards, CITI had flouted those standards and passed along subpar loans to FHA made substantial profits through the sale and/or securitization of FHA-backed insured mortgages, it was wrongfully endorsed those not eligible mortgages. CITI was at last fined US$75M for misleading Investors over subprime assets. At the same time, the other 4 big banks all faced similar scandals which are 1. JPMorgan – made million dollars bribes to commissions of Jefferson County, Alabama. 2. Bank of America – more than 200,000 African-American and Hispanic borrowers who qualified for loan same as a white man were charged higher fees or placed into subprime-loans. 4. Wells Fargo – same awful behavior as Bank of America. 5. Goldman Sachs – helped Greece mask its debt by using complex derivatives tools gained huge profits from the deal. 

What an immoral and miss conducts happened to those 5 big bankers? What is inside thinking of their high remunerated
CEOs.  Just for more profit even to indulge wickedness, offence law to commit a crime? Trusted most of CEOs are
graduated from US Ivy Universities. What have been taught by those Universities in their MBA course –is it Organizational Behavior a must. Are the universities taught them for self-benefit purposes that plunder, frauds, bribes are
allowable? What use of those Youtubes for? It completely reflects a sadness joke!

The faming picture shows a bitten apple, a half-grass of red wine, a red gown, a pair of red shoe and a red handbag. It looks exotic of Spanish style. It can raised many of your imagination, what happened last night, you can have “99 way to tell a story” “Matt Madden”, a romantic, a love, a temptation of sex, a hatred, a sad woman, an erotic, a rage, a fire, a blood and a dash of danger, just as all you want it to be!

The photo taken is vividness; what do you consider the behavior of that woman streaker. She is indecency, immorality or as what I think is brave. It happened at the day of “President Cup 2013 Golf Tournament”. From the news of that day October 6, nobody knows what she is protesting, but you can realize from her face shown her determination, she looks insisting for justice, she upraise and wave a US flag, prove she is a patriot; she is aiming for something outright. Anyway, she is brave.

Ancients Greek Philosophy Aristotle said “women must subserving men as the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and female subject”. Even it is opposed the opinion of his master Plato“women must be assigned social roles equal or approximate to those of men, no matter who is weaker or the other stronger.“Brief From: Journal of the History of Philosophy Volume 21, Number 4 October 1983 pp.467-478”  The master is master, Plato is right and Aristotle is underestimate and discriminating women.

“The great question that has been answered, and which I have not yet been able to answer, despite my thirty years of research into the feminine soul, is “What does a woman want?”   “From Sigmund Freud: Life and Work by Ernest Jones, 1953”. 
Although his many important and influential contributions to psychology, no wonder there still many criticisms of his
theories in views on woman, or more accurately, the huge gap in his theories about woman. I hardly dare to doubt Freud’s fame for psychologist, but I think he was wasted 30 years of time, for it is, in my point of view, simply woman just wants someone to care for her!

Finally, let’s response those nonsense about woman with the following 6 woman names which are chosen from thousands of brave and wisdom women; 1.  Malala  2. Aung San Suu Kyi  3. Mother Teresa  4. Qin Jin* (秋謹)  5. Joan of Arc  6. Queen Esther**.  I give details of Qin Jin and Queen Esther as they may is not that well known as the other 4 ladies.

 *Qin Jin* (秋謹-32 1875–1907) Also called Woman Knight of Mirror Lake (鑑湖女俠) a Chinese writer & poet, a strong-willed feminist; A national heroine in China democracy revolution and was executed by beheaded after participating in a failed uprising against the Qing Dynasty.

 **The Book of Esther;
Est 4:15 Then Esther said in reply to Mordecai,
Est 4:16 “Go gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and neither eat nor drink for three
days, night or day, I and my maids will also fast as you do. After that I will go to the King, though it is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.” 
Then, Esther bravely violated the Persian King Ahasuerus’s order. And at last saves the rest of her nation of  Jews.

The above two political comics are taken from Political Humor Best of the Week by“Daniel Kurtzman - chronicles the absurdities of politics as a journalist, author and humorist.”
It’s no doubt are within the same theme in favor of Democratic Party and Obama Government. Criticize Ted Cruz is doing
wrong on insisting his own ultra-conservative belief. The significant of 1st comic is due to Cruz are pronounce similar to cruise so the humorist borrow the two ocean disasters Caribbean Cruise Disaster-On Fire but nobody dead,Mediterranean Cruise Disaster-On Rock cause 32 dead and then Ted Cruz Disaster is Colliding with an Iceberg means like Titanic, will be a much more huge disaster. In the 2nd comic is self-explanatory and that Mike Lee and Ted Cruz both are freshman Republican Senator, 2011 and 2012 elected in the most conservative state Utah and Texas. Ted is a fiercely conservative. 
My major aim is to talk about Ted Cruz who believed will run for the presidency 2016. Ted is famed by his Senate
Floor Speech last September filibuster 21 hours to against Obama Affordable Care Act. I hardly understand the
American politics. I am on ground of human nature only. Is a political believing is some kind “Of human bondage” – W. Somerset Maugham novel. Just like you love somebody without cause? What you believing is always right and justice and duty treat other doctrine is evil. Why on purpose suppress Obama. Is it because he is not a white man president!

Confucians: Gentleman acts before he speaks and afterwards speaks according to his Actions.
                      Fine words and insinuating apprance are seldom associated with true virtue.
Chinese Original: 孔子 論語 為政(十三) 君子先行其言而後從之。
                                                   學而(三) 巧言令色,鮮矣仁。
Translated by: James Legge noted Scottish Sinologist, First Professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876-1897)

Ted is a Christian - Southern Baptist Convention. Most American are pragmatist, they can just for success and encounter the Buddha obstruct his way, kill the Buddha, encounter his father obstruct his way, kill the father – Buddhism, Zen (遇佛殺佛,遇父殺父-佛教,禪宗) It means how a man of determination is. Worship the success and ignore how he comes to success. Ted is eager to achieve his President dream and he trust in an America censor that last 40 year , anytime Republicans nominate a candidate for president who runs as a strong conservative, he win.  And when nominate a moderate who doesn't run as a conservative, he lose.

Psalm 20.7 some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. 20.8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

Wish Americans have enough wisdom to elect a great President in 2016.

The lonely old man in the Matt Madden comic 8 pictures who with a sorrow face. I found the poem O Sorrow, Sorrow quite match with the artistic concept. The aimless old man looks back and looks forward but doesn’t know where to go. He is nowhere to go.

                         O Sorrow, Sorrow

 O, Sorrow, Sorrow, say where dost thou dwell?
        In the lowest room of hell.
Art thou born of human race?
        No, no, I have a furier face.
Art thou in city, town, or court?
        I to every place resort.
O, why into the world is Sorrow sent?
        Men afflicted best repent.
What dost thou feed on?
        Broken sleep.
What takest thou pleasure in?
                To weep,
       To sign, to sob, to pine, to groan,
       To wring my hands, to sit alone,
O when, O when shall Sorrow quiet have?
       Never, never, never, never,
       Never till she finds a grave.
                    By:  Thomas Dekker (1570-1632) - The Noble Spanish Soldier

Man lived in the world is just like acting in a play. God is the director. You are assigned a role. Your role is a good man than your good. Your role is bad guy than your bad. You are poor or you are rich all as under your role. Do not make any compliant that you are god-forsaken, treat you not as well as others, because that is your role? It is all arranged by god. Do you think it is really a free will of your own? Or just a joke make by god? God is throwing his dice?

We always say that we are all seeking the meaning for life. Is it what we are really seeking? Is it we are seeking is an experience of being alive. On the purely physical plane will have resonances within our inside most being and reality and that we eventually feel the rapture of being alive. Notwithstanding we never win over our fate, but cheer up, anyway, we have tried our best as the following saying:

 “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation”
          J.K. Rowling – Harvard 2008 commencement speech.

 We all must live in an aim and with imagination no matter he is young or old. Certainly, it is most important for the young people. Otherwise you are living like dead. To avoid in future you living aimless, without any imagination and empty minded like the old man in the comic. Keep on living with imagination! Never give up hope regardless it is the god’s will or not? Life is so short! Enjoy being alive!

 “To what can human life be linked?  Perhaps to a wild goose’s footprint on snow;
 The claw’s imprint is accidentally left,  But carefree, the bird flies east and west.”

            By: Su Tungpo, translated by Lin Yutang – Selected Poems & Prose of Su Tungpo.

 Original Chinese:

 “人生到處知何似?   應似飛鴻踏雪泥;  泥上偶然留趾抓,  鴻飛那復計東西.”

         宋. 蘇東坡詞節錄-和子由澠池懷舊 林語堂譯英 台北正中書局 2008.11

    Author : 

    Peter Ng 吳 衍 華
    Auditing Words & Images: Reading & Writing in 21st Century. Photo taken on      蘇州,寒山寺,牌匾為        唐。張繼詩: 楓橋夜泊


    October 2013
    September 2013

