week 5



    The key message of this advertisement is to encourage stopping childhood obesity. However, the advertisement uses fear appeal to present this message, so that it results in creating discrimination  over fat people either children or adult. Also, the target audience to this advertisement is American as the character of the advertisement is an American girl. In order words, it also discriminates American fat girl which may be traumatized and affect their future growth. In fact, there is another version that the character of the advertisement is a little fat boy and that will discriminate the American fat boy.

    Moreover, the color it uses only red, grey, white and black, which red and black represent danger and serious. These emphasize the degree of seriousness and fear of childhood obesity.

Week 4


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[source: NoKo Propaganda: How to Smash the Puppet Traitors, TIME, 12th April,2013]
   In the above eight photos taken by TIME magazine,  all of them promote supporting militarism and Kim's family, but defeating United States. Nowadays, no countries will promote such one-sided and extreme ideology to their citizen, except North Korea. Owing to the historical reason,America is the first enemy of North Korea, so it prohibits anything from U.S. 
   From the photos, it is noticed that no matter the army or white-collar, they have to be grouped and shout some slogans of defeating U.S. or showing the loyalty to Kim's family every day. Day by day, the North Korean would be brainwashed, even they do not know the purpose of defeating America. this becomes the unique way of propaganda. 

Week 3



[source: By Muhammed Muheisen, TIME, 9th October, 2013]
    This photo was taken in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on 9th October 2013. It shows a group of Pakistani students looking out the window of their classroom happily. This photo tells those students are looking at other classmates chanting prayers to
commemorate the anniversary of Malala’s shooting by Taliban.

   Apart from the students, it is noticed that a broken net is holding on the window and there is a green bird wall painting inside the dark classroom. It shows how simple is the classroom, students study under a poor environment. However, they feel glad that they have chance to study and do not care about the student environment. Moreover, outside the classroom, the window frame is like picture frame, but there is a crack surrounding the frame and the wall is dirty and scribbled by students. Cracks appear on the wall, which means the building is so dangerous that it may be collapsed at any time.

    The focal point of this photo is those boys who looking out the window as each of their facial expression is clear but the girl at the left bottom corner of the photo is blurred. Also, the three boys at the front are the main characters as their position is brighter than those at the back. Therefore, the photo is going to express not only what they are looking for, but also their worry of Pakistani education system.

    Under the incomplete education system, only male can go to school and it is prohibited for female to have education. Therefore, those boys have such anxious and serious facial expression, which discloses the unfair and imperfect education system in Pakistan.

[Source: By Harry Harrison, South China Morning Post, 15th September,2013]
   This cartoon was released in South China Morning Post on 15th September 2013, which after the success of Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games election, by a local famous political cartoonist, Harry Harrison. 
   Form the hair style of the above two people and the formal dressing, it is recognized that they are the senior members of the Japanese Government. They are talking about the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games which the official logo shown behind them. However, they look very worried and concern about the water sport competitors, although they know the Japanese are very excited about the Tokyo 2020. The above concern satirizes the leaking of contaminated water from the serious nuclear radiation crisis in Japan Fukushima. 
   The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe claims that the contaminated water from the nuclear crisis is under control and it has never done or will do any damage to Tokyo, but the Governor of Tokyo Naoki Inose retorts that the nuclear radiation has not yet been controlled, hundreds metric tons of the contaminated water is leaking every day. In other words, the nuclear radiation may be still leaking and will harm to the athletes during the Tokyo 2020, so the outside world are highly concerned with this serious issue. 
   Through this cartoon, the artist wants to persuade readers that Japan is not safe enough to host 2020 Olympic Games since the leaking of the contaminated water and the other nuclear radiation is still an uncertainty.Therefore, it is an effective political cartoon.

[Source: Exercise in Style by Matt Madden, 18th September,2013]
  In Matt Madden’s 99 Ways to Tell a Story: Exercises in Style (2005), there is a humor version entitled Baby Noo “Snack Time?” Since after reviewing the Template of the story, it seems quite boring and there is no surprising climax in the whole story. It is about a man forgetting something as he is distracted by other’s question. Therefore, I am curious that how the Template becomes humor with the similar conversations and images, so I would like to choose Baby Noo “Snack Time?” and discover the reasons behind. 
  In the humor version, a child called Baby Noo added in the story with some dialogues, such as “Shh! Let’s play a trick on Uncle Matt!” and “Works every time!” Those added conversations show the mischief and naughtiness of Baby Noo. For example, Baby Noo acts as someone on the top and asks question in a throwing voice, which changes the nature of the original conversation in a funny way. 

  Also, the painting becomes more comical and the characters have more facial expressions to express their emotions and feelings. For example, Baby Noo skulks by the side of the refrigerator with crafty smile while Uncle Matt with a hesitating facial expression, which indicates Uncle Matt is not sure why he opens the refrigerator. Moreover, Baby Noo with arms akimbo and an arrogant
smile laughs at Uncle Matt, which shows his naughtiness.
  By adding the above new elements, the story is totally different against the Template, no matter the plot or the atmosphere. Also, the character Baby Noo makes the story more vivid since there are more interactions between Uncle Matt and Baby Noo. 
  At last, I am quite interested in the last picture that Uncle Matt falls backward while Baby Noo says “Works every time!” It seems that Uncle Matt has been falling into the same trap again and again. I think this makes the ending more entertaining, not only forgetting something, but also
being treated.


    Hello, everyone ! I'm Sara. This is my first page commenting on different images. Let me share my thoughts! Let's go then!!


    October 2013
    September 2013

