The lonely old man in the Matt Madden comic 8 pictures who with a sorrow face. I found the poem O Sorrow, Sorrow quite match with the artistic concept. The aimless old man looks back and looks forward but doesn’t know where to go. He is nowhere to go.

                         O Sorrow, Sorrow

 O, Sorrow, Sorrow, say where dost thou dwell?
        In the lowest room of hell.
Art thou born of human race?
        No, no, I have a furier face.
Art thou in city, town, or court?
        I to every place resort.
O, why into the world is Sorrow sent?
        Men afflicted best repent.
What dost thou feed on?
        Broken sleep.
What takest thou pleasure in?
                To weep,
       To sign, to sob, to pine, to groan,
       To wring my hands, to sit alone,
O when, O when shall Sorrow quiet have?
       Never, never, never, never,
       Never till she finds a grave.
                    By:  Thomas Dekker (1570-1632) - The Noble Spanish Soldier

Man lived in the world is just like acting in a play. God is the director. You are assigned a role. Your role is a good man than your good. Your role is bad guy than your bad. You are poor or you are rich all as under your role. Do not make any compliant that you are god-forsaken, treat you not as well as others, because that is your role? It is all arranged by god. Do you think it is really a free will of your own? Or just a joke make by god? God is throwing his dice?

We always say that we are all seeking the meaning for life. Is it what we are really seeking? Is it we are seeking is an experience of being alive. On the purely physical plane will have resonances within our inside most being and reality and that we eventually feel the rapture of being alive. Notwithstanding we never win over our fate, but cheer up, anyway, we have tried our best as the following saying:

 “Imagination is not only the uniquely human capacity to envision that which is not, and therefore the fount of all invention and innovation”
          J.K. Rowling – Harvard 2008 commencement speech.

 We all must live in an aim and with imagination no matter he is young or old. Certainly, it is most important for the young people. Otherwise you are living like dead. To avoid in future you living aimless, without any imagination and empty minded like the old man in the comic. Keep on living with imagination! Never give up hope regardless it is the god’s will or not? Life is so short! Enjoy being alive!

 “To what can human life be linked?  Perhaps to a wild goose’s footprint on snow;
 The claw’s imprint is accidentally left,  But carefree, the bird flies east and west.”

            By: Su Tungpo, translated by Lin Yutang – Selected Poems & Prose of Su Tungpo.

 Original Chinese:

 “人生到處知何似?   應似飛鴻踏雪泥;  泥上偶然留趾抓,  鴻飛那復計東西.”

         宋. 蘇東坡詞節錄-和子由澠池懷舊 林語堂譯英 台北正中書局 2008.11

    Author : 

    Peter Ng 吳 衍 華
    Auditing Words & Images: Reading & Writing in 21st Century. Photo taken on      蘇州,寒山寺,牌匾為        唐。張繼詩: 楓橋夜泊


    October 2013
    September 2013

