The above two political comics are taken from Political Humor Best of the Week by“Daniel Kurtzman - chronicles the absurdities of politics as a journalist, author and humorist.”
It’s no doubt are within the same theme in favor of Democratic Party and Obama Government. Criticize Ted Cruz is doing
wrong on insisting his own ultra-conservative belief. The significant of 1st comic is due to Cruz are pronounce similar to cruise so the humorist borrow the two ocean disasters Caribbean Cruise Disaster-On Fire but nobody dead,Mediterranean Cruise Disaster-On Rock cause 32 dead and then Ted Cruz Disaster is Colliding with an Iceberg means like Titanic, will be a much more huge disaster. In the 2nd comic is self-explanatory and that Mike Lee and Ted Cruz both are freshman Republican Senator, 2011 and 2012 elected in the most conservative state Utah and Texas. Ted is a fiercely conservative. 
My major aim is to talk about Ted Cruz who believed will run for the presidency 2016. Ted is famed by his Senate
Floor Speech last September filibuster 21 hours to against Obama Affordable Care Act. I hardly understand the
American politics. I am on ground of human nature only. Is a political believing is some kind “Of human bondage” – W. Somerset Maugham novel. Just like you love somebody without cause? What you believing is always right and justice and duty treat other doctrine is evil. Why on purpose suppress Obama. Is it because he is not a white man president!

Confucians: Gentleman acts before he speaks and afterwards speaks according to his Actions.
                      Fine words and insinuating apprance are seldom associated with true virtue.
Chinese Original: 孔子 論語 為政(十三) 君子先行其言而後從之。
                                                   學而(三) 巧言令色,鮮矣仁。
Translated by: James Legge noted Scottish Sinologist, First Professor of Chinese at Oxford University (1876-1897)

Ted is a Christian - Southern Baptist Convention. Most American are pragmatist, they can just for success and encounter the Buddha obstruct his way, kill the Buddha, encounter his father obstruct his way, kill the father – Buddhism, Zen (遇佛殺佛,遇父殺父-佛教,禪宗) It means how a man of determination is. Worship the success and ignore how he comes to success. Ted is eager to achieve his President dream and he trust in an America censor that last 40 year , anytime Republicans nominate a candidate for president who runs as a strong conservative, he win.  And when nominate a moderate who doesn't run as a conservative, he lose.

Psalm 20.7 some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. 20.8 They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

Wish Americans have enough wisdom to elect a great President in 2016.

10/6/2013 10:21:03 pm

Ted Cruz will be a total disaster for the world and US as well. He is not only ambitious but he is more than willing to sacrifice other people to fulfil his own ambition. Women's rights have been taken back because of his politics, so have the poor suffered.
I really like the way you included quotes and thoughts beyond the topic to support your point!


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    Author : 

    Peter Ng 吳 衍 華
    Auditing Words & Images: Reading & Writing in 21st Century. Photo taken on      蘇州,寒山寺,牌匾為        唐。張繼詩: 楓橋夜泊


    October 2013
    September 2013

